Does a high angle make the object seem modest? A high angle of this object makes the object quite modest; almost as if it is smaller than it really is. The perspective also seems to completely change the idea of what the subject even is. In my eyes, it looks almost like a brain.
Does a low angle make your subject look larger than life? From a low angle, the object looks very big and statue-like. It almost reminds me of the Moai statues on Easter Island.
Why would we choose a close perspective over a far perspective? Choosing a closer perspective helps us to actually focus on the main subject. The farther perspective in the photo above makes it harder to determine what the main subject is.
Why and how can these various views be helpful? The various views are helpful because it gives us different ways to perceive an image. It can help us see details we may not have seen if we were to stick to one perspective
Does a high angle make the subject seem modest? It does not make it seem modest, however, it does offer a very cool perspective to observe and we can see the reflection of the sky.
Does a low angle make your subject look larger than life? A low angle makes the object seem much larger than it is. It offers a view from the perspective of a small animal; for example, a squirrel.
Why would we choose a close perspective over a far perspective? Close perspectives give us a better look at the subject while being further away makes it harder to distinguish the details.
Why and how can these various views be helpful? Again, these different views help us to see the subject in different ways. Using one perspective only gives us part of the story.